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Why they call me Dr Magnesium!

August 23, 2013

Symptoms of poor magnesium intake can include muscle cramps, facial tics, poor sleep, and chronic pain. It pays It pays to ensure that you get adequate magnesium before signs of deficiency occur.But how can you know whether you’re getting enough?According to population studies of average magnesium intake, there’s a good chance that you’re not.Less than 30% of U.S. adults consume the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of magnesium. And nearly 20% get only half of the magnesium they need daily to remain healthy.   (see the video below for more info!)

Sleep. Diet. Exercise.

Oct 12, 2013

...Three little words. Not always so simple to follow through with. We want to provide a resource of information to empower YOU to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.And when you need help along that path, we can provide specific, targeted interventions to facilitate your body’s own inherent healing abilities!      

What is a DO?

January 15, 2013

As complete physicians, DOs are able to prescribe medication, perform surgery and can be found practicing all areas of medicine. DOs can also use their hands to help diagnose and treat injury and illness to encourage the body’s natural tendency toward good health through the use of osteopathic manipulative medicine


Symptoms We Treat

March 20, 2014

Osteopathic treatment is indicated in a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions, including other systems of the body such as digestive problems.


Patients most commonly see an Osteopathic specialist for:

- Neck and Shoulder Pain

- Back and Hip Pain

- Plantar fasciitis and other types of foot and ankle pain

- Pain associated with pregnancy or pelvic floor pain

- Headaches and Migraines

- Arthritis Sports and Workplace Injuries: Ligament & muscle- strains & sprains.

- Repetitive stress syndromes including Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Golfers and Tennis Elbow 

- Disc herniations

- Radiculopathy

- Neuropathy

Video //

Effects of Magnesium Deficiency


About Dr. Schmitz

Dr Lesley Schmitz graduated in 2001 from the University of North Texas Health Science Center here in Fort Worth and is a Board Certified physician that has been practicing Osteopathic medicine for 17 years


Being a specialist in neuromusculoskeletal medicine means being trained in a wide variety of skeletal and systemic issues. 


Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine requires a hands-on, whole body approach to diagnose health problems; treat dysfunctions; preserve good health; and prevent the spread of disease. OMT has been found to be effective treatment for individuals suffering from conditions ranging from carpal tunnel syndrome to migraines to TMJ and many more.

A.T. Still, the founder of Osteopathy said:


"the object of the physician is to find the health, anyone can find the disease”


So I also look at ways that we can improve your ability to self heal. We all know that when we eat well, sleep well and get enough exercise, everything in life works a little smoother. Sometimes though it is hard to get the ball rolling in that direction. We have good intentions about our health, however there may be something blocking the way. Obstacles to health can be as simple as just having the right information - to do the right thing.


Having been a chronic pain patient, I understand not only the physical toll but also the emotional burden that pain brings. While I work primarily with osteopathic manipulative treatment, I can also employ a unique perspective; compounded prescriptions and nutrition along with movement therapy to impact the quality of life. In addition to treating patients with pain in their back, neck, shoulders and ‘just all over”.....I can take an in depth look at nutritional issues that may impact that “road to health”. There are several aspects to consider, especially the health of the gut and the genetic differences we each have.

Pregnancy & OMM

- Relieves Back Pain


- Corrects Posture & Improves Flexibility


- Increases Joint Motion & Improves Circulation

- Prevents Weakening Pelvic Floor


- Decreases Post-Partum Depression

What to Expect from OMM

OMM restores balance to the whole body. As a patient receiving this treatment, you may be a passive or active participant in the process.

  • Passive- you take no role in the treatment process. As a patient, you sit or lay down passively while the physician performs the technique on you.

  • Active- you are guided by the physician to be an active participant in the treatment. The provider may ask you to contract muscles or use breathing.

Before performing any osteopathic manipulative technique, the physician will take your history and perform a physical exam to determine which problems you are experiencing and which option of treatment will work for you. Each time you are seen for treatment, the physician will examine you and evaluate how your body has responded to treatment and determine what, if any, further treatment is needed

© 2018 by Dr Lesley Schmitz

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